
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

[ 53 ] It became fire, insteal of it created fire. But he purposely m1de thz change in expressir:n. The significance of which has been already indicated. The teacher wante to convey to his disciple the idea of oneness of the material cause and the agent cause of the creation and for that he invented and employed । this device. This 1S however a formula capable of conveying the idea of separat <nces between the creator and tle created. But this idea should be avoided. So describing the next creat10n Ud. dalaka says **That fire saw 1 shall bbcorm many. I shall be born. * It is quite clear that fir me1ns here, the intelligent being, Sat. with the form of fire. Ve may understand from this that v]hen Utilika said It created arc; h: ११eant to say th:t it created for itself the form of re, and cam2 into existence in that form. This Sat with the form of fire, having the sa:me vill to become many a:1d to be born creat u water and came into existence in that for:a. Vater agaia having the same v•ll created the form of crth and existed as that The first creation mentioned here is fire. From a part of it, was evolved water and from a part of this again was evolved earth. Thus Sat created these three forms for itself and existing in these three formns it became three. There are many kinds of living be . ings in the world : born from wornbs, born from eggs. and growing from carth. The ultimate origin of ail these. Uddalaka declares. is these three elements : fire water and earth.