
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

[ 69 ] Though we can neither see nor touch the dis solved slt in the water, taste proves its presence there. There is nothing like that to prove the exist tence of StNo , says Uddalaka, A person carried away blind-folded from his native country and left as such in the heart of a jungle unvant d by men, would be with his face turned now to one direction and nov to another which he could not know crying aloud f•Blind-folded I am brought here. Bind-folded I am abandone 1 here. If somobly hapens to go there, and renoving the eye-cover tells hin, *your country lies in this direction. Go In this direction. Ine. if intelli- gent and learned,making enquries village after village reaches his own country. Similarly he who has a tea cher to teach and guide hin will know and get realisa tion. Such a person has to wait only till his getting out from the body. Then he vill attain Brahman. Uddalka meant to say that there are certain things which we could not know by ourselves. They must be known only through the teachings o: competent teach ers. Sat is such a subject. A learned and kind and sym pathetic teacher would not only bring conviction to his disciple regarding Sat, but also put him in the p1th of Its realisation which would resuit in his freedom from bondage and the attainment of Sat, the supreme Brah man, the ultimate goal and the destiny cf man. Is it possible to achieve thes2 results ? Attach. ment to relatives and propertics is inherent in man. How could be turn away fro!n then and seek the higher results mentioned above ? The reply to this question is as follows. Attachment