
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
प्रथमाध्याये द्वितीयः पादः
1अत्र प्रथमया निर्दिष्टः पुरुषोत्तम इति निश्चीयते2 | " सर्वस्य

चाहं हृदि संनिविष्टः इति हि स्मृतिः ॥

अर्भकौकस्त्वात्तद्वयपदेशाच्च नेति चेन्न, निच्चाय्य-

त्वादेवं व्योमवच्च॥ ७ ॥

" एष म आत्मान्तर्हृदयेऽणीयान् व्रीहेः 3इत्यादिनाल्पायतनत्वा-

ल्पस्वरूपत्वव्यपदेशाच्च नायं पर इति चेत् , न ; उपास्यत्वाद्धेतोस्तथा

It is determined that the Highest Person is exhibited in

the nominative case here; because the Smrti reveals thus- ’ And I dwell within the hearts of all ’ (Bh. Gita XV -15).

7. Arbhakaukastvat tadvyapadesacca neti cenna,

nicayyatvadevam vyomavacca

Should it be said that the passage does not refer to the Brahman on account of the smallness of the abode stated, and on account of denotation of that (i.e. minuteness of the being); we say no; because the Brahman has to be meditated upon thus, and because in the same passage He is said to be like ether.

The scriptural text, 'He is my Self within the heart

and smaller than a grain of rice' (Chand. III-14-3) declares the being as dwelling within the minute abode. He is also de- signated as having a minute size. Hence he is not the Highest one. It is not so. He has been so designated only

1अत्रापि M 1, 2, 3. 2निश्चयः M 1,

3इत्यादिनाल्पायतनत्वा A 2, M 1, 2.