
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

स्थानादिव्यपदेशाच्च ॥ १४ ॥

'यश्चक्षुषि तिष्ठन्' इत्यादेिना स्थितिनियमनादिव्यपदेशाच्चायं परः॥

सुखविशिष्टाभिधानादेव च ॥ १९ ॥

’कं ब्रह्म खं ब्रह्म ' इति पूर्वत्रास्यैव सुखविशिष्टतयाभिधानाच्चायं पर: ॥

अत एव च स ब्रह्म ॥ १६ ॥

यतस्तत्र 1भवभीतायोपकोसलाय ब्रह्म जिज्ञासवे ’ कं ब्रह्म खं ब्रह्म ’

14. Sthanadivyapadesacca

And on account of the statement as to the abode, etc.

That He dwells within the eye and at the same time He rules over the eye is proved in the text, 'He who dwells within the eye etc.' (Brh. III-7-18). Therefore this must be the Highest Self.

15. Sukhavis'istabhidhanade'vaca

And on account of the very same text referring to

what is characterised by Pleasure. The scriptural text, ' Pleasure is the Brah1nan, Ether is the Brahman' (Chand. IV-10-5) refers only to what is characterised by Pleasure. · Hence this must be the Highest Self.

16. Ata eva ca sa Brahma

For that very reason that (ether) is the Brahman.

Here Upakosala being afraid of Samsara, made the inquiry about the Brahman. Then he was taught that the Pleasure was the Brahman and the Ether was the Brahman.

1 भवभय M 1, 2.