
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
[ अधि.

यमयति ' इति प्रत्यगाात्मनो भेदेनैनमन्तर्यामिणमधीयते | अतः पर एवायम् ॥

अदृश्यत्वादिगुणकाधिकरणम् ५

अदृश्यत्वादिगुणको धर्मोक्तेः ॥ २२ ॥

' अथ परा यया तदक्षरमधिगम्यते ’ ’ यत्तदद्रेश्यम् ' इत्या- रभ्य ’ यद्भूतयोर्नि परिपश्यन्ति धीराः ' ’ अक्षरात् परतः परः’ इत्यादौ प्रधानात्प्रत्यगात्मनश्चार्थान्तरभूतः परमात्मा प्रतिपाद्यते, ’यः सर्वज्ञः सर्ववित् इत्यादेिधर्मोक्तेः ॥

the individual self does not know, whose body is the individual self, who internally rules the individual self.' (Madh. Brh. 111-7). Therefore this is only the Highest One.


22. Adrs'yatvadigunako dharmokteh

He who possesses the qualities of invisibility etc.

(is the Highest Self); on account of the declaration of the attributes.

' Now, the higher knowledge is that whereby the Im-

perishable One is apprehended' (Mund. I-1-5).

' Him who is Invisible' (Mund. I-1-6).
' The wise see Him to be the origin of beings' (Mund. I-1-6).
' The Higher than that which is higher than the im-

perishable (Pradhana) , (Mund. II-1-2).

These texts teach about the Highest Self, who is other

than the individual self and the Pradhana. His attributes have been declared in the scriptural text, 'He who under- stands all and knows all ' (Mund. I-1-9).