
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
[ अधि.
प्रश्माध्याये द्वितीयः पादः

यतोऽयं वैश्वानरस्रैलोक्यशरीरः पुरुषशब्दनिर्देिष्टश्च, ततोऽयं नाग्न्याख्या देवता, न तृतीयमहाभूतं च ॥

साक्षादप्यविरोधं जैमिनिः ॥२९॥

नावश्यमग्निशरीरकत्वेनोपास्यत्वायेदमग्निशब्द सामानाधिकरण्यम्; अग्रनयनादियोगेन परमात्मन्येवाग्निशब्दस्य साक्षाद्वृत्ते: सामानाधिकरण्याविरोधं जैमिनिराचार्यो मन्यते ॥

अभिव्यक्तेरित्याश्मरथ्यः ॥३०॥

Because Vais'vanara mentioned here is known to have the three worlds as His body and is denoted by the word, Person, He is not the minor deity called Agni (i.e. fire) nor is he the third Maha-Bhuta (gross element i.e. fire).

29.Sakshadapyavirodham Jaiminih

Jaimini opines that there is no inconsistency (because the word, Agni) directly (denotes the Highest Self).

It is not necessary to hold that the word 'Agni' is used here in the same grammatical equation with a view to teach that the Brahman should be meditated having the fire as His body. The word 'Agni' directly refers to the Highest Self, as He takes the foremost part among gods. Therefore, Acarya Jaimini opines that nothing is contradicted here.


On account of revelation; so Asmarathya opines. 1 न omitted M 1, 2.