
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

काशशब्दनिर्देिष्टः परमात्मा, उत्तरेभ्यो वाक्यगतेभ्यस्तदसाधारणधर्मेभ्यः । उत्तरत्र दहराकाशस्य सर्वाधारतयातिमहत्त्वमभिधाय " एतत् सत्यं ब्रझ- पुरम् इति निर्दिश्य, अस्मिन् ब्रह्माख्यपुरे दहराकाशे कामाः समाहिता इत्युक्ते, कोऽयं दहराकाशः , के च कामा इत्यपेक्षायाम् "एष आत्मा- पहतपाप्मा इत्यारभ्य "सत्यकामः सत्यसंकल्पः इत्यन्तेन दहराकाश आत्मा, कामाश्चापहतपाप्मत्वादयस्तद्विशेषणभूता गुणा इति हि ज्ञापयति । " दहरोऽस्मिन्नन्तर आकाशस्तस्मिन्यदन्तस्तदन्वेष्टव्यम् इत्यत्र दहराकाश- स्तदन्तर्वर्ति च यत्, तदुभयमन्वेष्टव्यमित्युक्तमिति ज्ञायते | अथ य इहात्मानमनुविद्य व्रजन्त्येतांश्च सत्यान् कामान् इति हि व्यज्यते ॥

VIII.I.I). mentions the subtle ether. This subtle ether is the Highest Self, on account of the special attributes subse- quently mentioned. In the subsequent passage, the subtle ether is said to be the support of all the worlds and hence to be of huge size. It is also subsequently said that the city mentioned above is identical with the Brahman who is Truth and that in the subtle ether which is Brahman-city there are several desires (desirable attributes). Then there are inquiries as to what is this subtle ether and what are those desirable attributes. Then the following passage in answer begins with 'That is the Self, free from evil' and ends with 'whose wishes and purposes come true' (Chand. 8-1-5). Here the subtle ether is the Highest Self. The desirable attributes are His freedom from evil etc. In the passage 'Within that is a small space. What is within that, should be searched for' (Chand. 8-1-1) the subtle ether and the contents thereof are clearly mentioned to be searched for. This fact has been clearly indicated in the scriptural text 'Those who reach the Highest Place by meditating upon Him and His true qualities' (Chand. 8.1.6).