
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
प्रथमाध्याये तृतीयः पादः

मन्त्रादिकृत्त्वेऽपि मन्त्रादिमयवेदस्य नित्यत्वं तिष्ठति । अनधीतमन्त्रादि- दर्शनशक्तान् पूर्वविश्वामित्रादींस्तत्तद्वैदिकशब्दै: स्मृत्वा तत्तदाकारानपरां- स्तत्तच्छक्तियुक्तान् सृजति हि ब्रह्मा नैमित्तिकप्रलयानन्तरम् । ते चानधीत्यैव मन्त्रादीनस्खलितान् पठन्ति । अतस्तेषां मन्त्रादिकृत्त्वं वेदनित्यत्वं च स्थितम् ॥

प्राकृतप्रलये चतुर्मुखे वेदाख्यशब्दराशौ च विनष्टे कथं वेदस्य

नित्यत्वमित्यत आह‌--

समाननामरूपत्वाच्चावृत्तावप्यविरोधो दर्शनात्
स्सृतेश्च ॥ २९ ॥

(Tait. Sam.5-2-3). Yet the Vedas, which are full of Mantras, etc. retain their eternity. He the creator remembers with the help of the words of the Vedas Visvamitra and others of the former time, who are capable of repeating the Mantras without teaching. Then he creates the persons having the same name and ability, who could recite the same Mantras assigned to them. This happens after the Naimittika Pralaya. These persons reveal the very Mantras etc. without any fault. Thus it is established that the Vedas are eternal and that the various persons mentioned therein are the authors of the various Mantras.

How could then the eternity of the Vedas be established, when the Vedas and the creator are destroyed in the material deluge (i.e. Prakrta Pralaya)? The Sutrakra answers this question thus:

29. Samananamarupatvaccavrttavapyavirodho
darsanat smrtesca
And on account of the sameness of the names and forms (in each creation of the world), no contradiction

arises even in the subsequent creation; as it appears from Sruti and Smrti texts.