
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

९] प्रथमाध्याये तृतीयः पादः१११ तदभावनिर्धारणे च प्रवृतेः ॥ ३७ ॥ 'नैतदब्राह्मणो विवक्तुमर्हति समिधं सोम्याहर ' इति शूद्रत्वा- भावनिश्वय एवोपदेशप्रवृतेश्च नाधिकारः'|| श्रवणाध्ययनार्थप्रतिषेधात् ॥ ३८ ॥

शूद्भस्य हि श्रबंणाध्ययनादीनेि निषिध्यन्ते-'तस्मान्छूद्रसमीपे नाध्येतव्यम्' इतेि । अनुपश्रृण्वतोऽध्ययनादि च' न संभवति||

37. Tadabhavanirdharane ca pravrtteh On account of the procedure. on determination of its absence.

The scriptural text-'A non-Brahmana pupil would not be able to tell this' (Chand. IV -4-5) determines that the desciple was not a Shudra. The teacher also proceeded to impart the Vidya to him only on determination of this fact. Hence Shudras do not possess the necessary qualifications. 38. Sravanadhyayanarthapratisedhat

And on account of the prohibition of hearing, studying, and learning the meaning of the Vedas.

In tbe case of Shudra, hearing, studying etc. of the Vedas are prohibited under the rule-'Therefore the Vedas must not be studied in the presence of Shudras' The prohibition of hearing implies the prohibition of study also in the case of Shudras.

1 अनधिकारः M 3. च omitted M 1,