
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

११४ वेदान्प्सारः अधि.

" आकाशो ह वै नामरूपयोर्निर्वहिता ते यदन्तरा तद्ब्रह्म " इत्यादिना निर्दिष्ट आकाशः "धूंत्वा शरीरम् इति प्रकृतात्प्रत्यगात्मनः परिशुद्धादर्थान्तरभूतः परमपुरुषः नामरूपयोनिर्वोढृत्वतदस्पर्शरुपार्थान्तरत्वा- मृतत्वादिव्यपदेशात् ॥

तत्त्वमस्यादिनैक्योपदेशात् प्रत्यगात्मनो नार्थान्तरभूतः परमपुरुष इत्याशङ्कयाह--

            सुषुप्त्युत्क्रान्त्योर्भेदेन ॥ ४३ ॥
    • प्राज्ञेनात्मना संपरिष्वक्तो न् बाह्यं किंचन वेद नान्तरम्
    • प्राज्ञेनात्मनान्वारूढः इति सुषुप्त्युत्क्रान्त्योब्राह्यन्तरविषयानभिज्ञात्प्र-

· The Ether is the evolver of names and forms. He who is without these names and forms is Brahman",' (Chand. VIII-14.1). This Akasa is the Highest Person, who is other than the pure self mentioned in the context, by the scriptural text, "Having shaken off the body" (Chand. VIII-13-1) It is because He is designated as the evolver of names and forms and unconnected with them. He is also mentioned as endowed with the above-said attributes and immortality.

There is the teaching, ' That thou art' (Chand. VI-8-7). Hence the individual self is not different from the Highest Self. This doubt is removed thus-

          43. Susuptyukrantyorbhedena

On account of differences in deep sleep and departing.

'Embraced by the intelligent Self, he knows nothing that is Without or within' (Brh. IV-3-21). 'Mounted by the intelligent Self' (Brh. IV-3-35). Thus it is seen that in the states of deep sleep and departing, the individual I शरीरमकृतं क्रृतात्मा A 1.