
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

१२४ वेदुान्तसारः [अधि.

कर्ता यस्य वैतत्कर्म स वै वेदितव्यः इत्यत्र कर्मशव्दस्यैतच्छब्दसामा- नाधिकरण्येन क्रियत इति व्युत्पत्या जगद्वाचित्वत् परमेवं ब्र॑हा वेदेितव्य- तयोपदिष्टम् ॥

जीवसुरव्यप्राणलिङ्गान्नेति चैत् तद्वयारुयातम्॥ १७॥

"एतैरात्मभिर्भुङ्क्ते" "अथास्मिन् प्राण एवैकधा भवति इति च "जीवमुख्यप्राणलिंड्गान्न पर इति चेत् , एतत् प्रतर्दनविद्यायामेव परिहृतम् ।

who is the maker of these persons and to whom this work belongs, He, indeed, is to be known '(Kaus. III-26). Here the word, 'work' which is used in the same grammatical equation with the word, 'this' refers to the world, as it is said to be the product. Therefore what is taught here is that the Highest Brahman should be known.

17. Jivamukhyapranalinganneti cet tadvyakhytam

Should it be said that this is not so, on account of the distinguishing characteristics of the individual selves and of the Chief vital breath (i.e. Prana) rnen. tioned therein; we reply, that this has been explained before.

In the scriptural texts, 'He enjoys with the individual selves' (Kaus. -44) and 'Then with this Prana alone, he becomes one' (Kaus. III-39) the Highest is not referred to; because there are stated only the distinguishing characteristics of the individual selves and Prana. This objection has already been answered in the chapter dealing with the Pratardanavidya. In consideration of the context, it has

1 जीवादि M 2, 3.