
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

१३४ वैदान्तसारः [अधि.

विज्ञातेन चेतनाचेतनात्मकं कृत्स्नं जगद्विज्ञातं भवतीत्यादेष्टृविज्ञानेन सर्वविज्ञानप्रतैिज्ञातदुपपादनरूपमृत्कार्यदृष्टान्तानुपरोधातू | आदिश्यतेऽने- नेत्यादेशः । 'आदेशशब्देनादेष्टाभिधीयते । आदेशः प्रशासनम्; "एतस्य वा अक्षरस्य प्रशासने गार्गेि इत्यादेिश्रुतेः ॥

              अभिध्योपदेशाच्च ॥ २४ ॥

"तदैक्षत बहु स्यां प्रजायेय इतेि निमेित्तभूतस्येक्षितुर्विचित्रचिद्- चिद्रूपजगदाकारेणात्मनो बहुभवनसंकल्पोपदेशाच्चोपादानमपीतेि विज्ञायते ॥

become known.' The proposition is this-' AIl this will be- come known, if the Universal Ruler is known '. The illustra- tive example here is the clay. The above mentioned truth should be accepted so that the said proposition and the example may not be contradicted. The word Ades'a used in the text denotes the Ruler; because it means Him by whom the world is ruled over. Thus the word, Ades'a. means the Ruling Person. The scriptural text in support of this is thus- '0 Gargi, at the command of that imperishable etc.' (Brh. III-8-9).

             24. Abhidhyopadesacca 

Because also of the statement of His thought.

He thought 'may I become many' (Chand. VI-2.3). This scriptural text proves that the Person, who possesses the character of thinking and who is the instrumental cause, transformed Himself into the form of the world, consisting of various sentient and non-sentient beings through His will. Hence, it is known that He is the material cause also of the world.

I इत्युपदेश A 1, M 1.