
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

घटादिकार्यभावे च 'तदेवेदं मृद्द्रव्यम्' इत्युपलब्धेश्च कारणादनन्यत्कार्यम् ॥

सत्त्वाश्चापरस्य ॥१७॥

कार्यस्य कारणे सत्त्वाश्च तस्मादनन्यत्कार्यम् |'घटशरावादिकं पूर्वे मृदेवासीत्' इति हि घटादिर्मृदात्मनोपलभ्यते ॥

असद्व्यपदेशान्नेति चेन्न, धर्मान्तरेण वाक्यशेषाद्युक्ते: शब्दान्तराच्च ॥१८॥

' इदं वा अग्रे नैव किंचनासीत् ' इति कार्यस्य तदानीमसत्त्व-

In the state of the effect, such as pot etc., there is recognised its cause, thus,' This is the same that substance i.e. clod of clay'. Therefore the effect is not different from the cause.

17. Sattvacecaparasya

And on accont of the existence of the other (i.e. the effect). The effect exists in the cause. Hence, it is not different from the cause. That the pot or plate had at a former moment the shape of a clod of clay is generally experienced. Therefore pot, etc. are apprehended to be the modifications of a clod of clay.

18. Asadvyapadesanneti cenna, dharmantarena vakyasesad yukteh sabdantaracca

If it be said,' not so, on account of the designation of the effect as non-existent, (i.e. Asat)', we reply, not so; on account of such designation being due to another attribute, as appears from the supplementary passage, from reasoning and from another verbal testimony. The effect has been designated as a non-existent being at that time, in the scriptural text,' In the beginning, truly, there