
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

असमञ्जस॒मेितेि वर्तते* | वाशब्दश्चार्थे । ह्रस्वपरिमण्डलाभ्यां भृहद्दीर्घवत्; द्वयणुकपरमाणुभ्यां **त्र्यणुकोत्पत्तिवदन्यच्च तन्मतं सर्वमसञ्जसम् । अवयवाः स्वकीयैः षडूभिः पार्श्वैः: संयुज्यमाना हि पृथुतरमवपविनमारभन्ते | परमाणूनां निरवयवत्वेन पार्श्वानभ्युपगमात् पाश्वांननपेक्ष्य संयुज्यमानाना न ***पृथु तेषांद्रव्यारम्भकत्वसंभव:**** ॥

उभयथापि न कर्मातस्तदभावः ॥ ११ ॥

the production of big and long from the short and the atom, are untenable.

The word Asamanjasa (untenable) is brought here from the previous Sutra. The word, Vaa (i.e. or) is used in the sense of Ca (i.e. and). Completely unintelligible are the views of that school, which hold the doctrine that the Tryanuka which is big and long is formed from the D'vyanukas (shorts) and Paramaanus (atoms)*****." As a rule the parts, that possess six sides, begin the formation of a bigger object in combination. The atoms have no parts. Hence, they cannot have sides. Things such as atoms, that are brought together without any regard to their sides cannot produce a big object.

{{center|11. Ubhayathaapi na karmaatastadabhaavah)

On both assumptions, motion does not originate in the atoms and thence there is no origination of the world.

* अनुवर्तते M 1, 2.

**द्वयणुकत्र्यणुकोत्पत्तिवत् A 1, Pr, त्र्यणुकद्वयणुकोत्पत्तिवत् M 3,

*** पृथुतर M 2, Pr,

**** द्रव्यारम्भसंभव: M 3

***** According to the Vaisesika system of the philosophy, two paramaanus(atoms alias parimandalas) form a dvyanukaa (dyad) which is Hrasva or short in size. Three DvayaNukaas (dyads) form a Tryanuka (ternary) which is Maha ( big) and Dirgha (long).