
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

1देहदेशविशेषस्थितेश्चन्दनस्येति चेत्; न, आत्मनोऽपि तदभ्युपगमात्, हृदेि ह्ययमात्मा, ' योऽयं विज्ञानमयः प्राणेषु हृद्यन्तर्ज्योतिः ' इति श्रुतेः ॥ स्यमतेनाह--

गुणाद्वालोकवत् ॥ २६ ॥

आत्मा स्वगुणेन ज्ञानेन सकलदेहं व्याप्यानुभवति, यथा मणिप्रभृयः स्वकीयेनालोकेन सकलदेशं व्याप्य प्रकाशयन्ति, ' प्रज्ञामात्रास्वर्पिताः ' इति श्रुते:" ॥

If it be said that the case is different, because the drop of the sandal-ointment is in contact with a definite part of the body; we say-this is not so; because the self also abides in a part of the body. It is an accepted fact that the self abides in the heart. In support of this statement, there is the following scriptural passage ' He who is within the heart, among the Pranas, the person of light consisting of knowledge ' (Brh. IV. 3-7). The author states his own view thus:-

26. Gunadva lokaat

Or through his quality, like the light. The self experiences happiness by pervading the whole of the body through knowledge, which is his attribute. This is similar to a gem, etc. that enlighten all the space pervading through their own light. Thus the scriptural text says 1 देश omitted A 1,देह omitted Pr. 2सकलं देशं omitted A 1, M 2. 3श्रुत्युक्तेः A 1.