
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

सुषुप्त्यादिषु सतो ज्ञानस्यानभिव्यक्तस्यापि जागरादावभिव्यक्तिसंभवात् स्वरूपानुबन्ध्येव ज्ञानम् | यथा पुंस्त्वाऽसाधारणसप्तमधातोर्बाल्येऽपि सतो युवत्वेऽभिव्यक्तिः ॥

नित्योपलब्ध्यनुपलब्धिप्रसङ्गोऽन्यतरनियमो वान्यथा ॥ ३२ ॥

जीवात्मनो ज्ञातृत्वमणुत्वं चोक्तम् ; ,अन्यथा ज्ञप्तिमात्रसर्वगतात्मवादे2 तावन्नित्यवत् सर्वदोपलब्धिः स्यात्, 3संकोचकाभावात् | विद्यमानाया

The knowledge, that is in existense does not manifest itself in the deep sleep (Suspti) etc. But it manifests itself in the waking state etc. Therefore the knowledge is certainly the essential nature of the self. This is similar to the virile power, which is the seventh of the elementary substances forming the body and is peculiar to males.4 It manifests itself only in the youth though it was in existence even in the boyhood.

32. NityopalabdhyanupalabdhiPrasangonya'taraniyamo vanyatha

Otherwise there would result permanent consciousness or non-consciousness, or else limitative restriction to either.

It has been stated that the self is the knower and is atomic in size. Otherwise, if he is viewed as being mere knowledge and omnipresent, then consciousness would permanently take place always, because there is no reason for

1अन्यथा omitted M 2, 3, Pr. 2सर्वगतत्ववादे M 2, 3संकोचे कारणभावात् । अविद्यमानायाः M 1.

4The seven elementary substances of the human body are-blood,humour, flesh, fat, marrow. bone and semon.