हस्तादयस्तु स्थितेऽतो नैवम् ॥ ५ ॥
हस्तादयोऽपीन्द्रियाणि, जीवे देहान्तःस्थिते उपकारकत्वाविशेषात् । अतो न सप्तैव । अपि त्वेकदश ; ' दशेमे पुरुषे प्राणा आत्मैकादश: ' ' इन्द्रियाणि दशैकं च ' इति श्रुतिस्मृतिभ्याम् । बुध्द्यादयो मनोवृत्ति- भेदा: । सप्तानां गतिश्रवणं विशेषणं च तेषां प्राधान्यात् ॥
प्राणाणुत्वाधिकरणम् ३
अणवश्च ॥ ६ ॥
there are specifiations to show that these seven alone are mentioned in connection with the meditation.
5. Hastadayastu sthiteto naivam
But the hands, etc. are also the organs; since they also assist the self when he abides in the body. Therefore it is not so.
Hands, etc. are also organs; because they also assist
the self, when he abides in the body. Therefore the organs are not seven only; but they are eleven. The scriptural statement is this-' Ten are these organs in person and Atman is the eleventh' (Brh.III-9-4). 'The organs are ten and one' (Bhag. Gi. XIII-5). Buddhi, etc. are different functions of the Manas (mind). The scriptures mention the movement of the seven sense-organs and specify them. This is due to the fact, that they are prominent among the group.'
6. Anavaca
And they are atomic in size.