
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

चक्षुरादिवत्तु तत्सहशिष्ट्यादिभ्यः ॥ ९॥

वायोः पृथग्भूतोऽयं नाग्न्यादिवद्भूतान्तरम् । वायुरेव 1देहधारण- योग्याकारमापन्नश्चक्षुरादिवज्जीवोपकरणम् , चक्षुरादिभिः सहोपदेशतत्तुल्यो- पकारतन्मुख्यत्वेभ्यः ॥

अकरणत्वाच्च न दोषस्तथाहि दर्शयति ॥ १० ॥

करणं क्रिया । न जीवोपकाररूपक्रियारहितत्वेन2 दोषः ; यत;

9. Caksuradivattu tatsahas'istyadibhyah

But it is like the eye, etc., on account of being mentioned along with them and for other reasons.

The prana is distinct from the mere wind; but it is not an element completely different from it, like fire, etc. The wind itself has taken the form, that is useful in sustaining the body and is helpful for the functions of the individual selves, like the eye, etc.; because it is mentioned in the scriptural text along with the eye, etc. It is also equally helping the individual selves, like the eye etc. and is important among them.

10. Akaranatvacca nadosastathahi darsayati

And no objection arises on account of the absence of its function; for the scriptures declare its function.
The word, 'Karana' here means function; but no defect arises on the presumption that it has no any action, which may be helpful to the individual selves. Verily the scriptural texts declare that it functions so that the body

1 देहधारणयोग्याकारताम् A 1,M 1.
2 त्वे Pr.