
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

'तस्या आहुतेः सोमो राजा संभवति' इति सोमभूतस्यैव 'सोमो राजा' इति प्रत्यभिज्ञानादद्भिः परिष्वक्तस्तच्छरीरक एवाप इत्युच्यत इत्यवगम्यते ॥'

भाक्तं वानात्मवित्वात्; तथाहि दर्शयति ॥ ७ ॥

एष सोमो राजा; तं देवा भक्षयन्ति' इति सोमापन्नस्य देवैर्भक्ष्यमाणत्ववचनं भाक्तम्; अनात्मवित्वेन देवोपकरणत्वाभिप्रायम् । तथाहि श्रुतिः–'यथा पशुरेवं स देवानाम्' इति पशुवद्देवोपकरणत्वं

is mentioned as becoming the King Soma The same that has assumed the state of King Soma is recognised in the scriptural text 'King Soma (Chand. V. 10-4). Therefore by the word, water, is meant the individual self, who is embraced with the water and has it for his body. This is what is understood in the scriptural texts.

7. bhaktam vanatmavittvat; tatha hi darsayati

Or this reference is metaphorical ; because of their not knowing the Self. Indeed thus the scripture declares

He becomes Soma King ; Him the gods eat ' (Chand. V. 10-4). Here the eating by the gods of the self who has become as King Soma must be taken metaphorically. The idea is that he becomes the means of enjoyment of the gods; because he is other than the realizer of the Self. Accordingly it has been stated in the text 'He is like an animal for the gods' (Brh 1-4-10). This statement reveals that he is the means of enjoyment of the gods. The following