सूचक्रश्च हि श्रुतेः; आचक्षते च तद्विदः ॥ ६ ॥
"अथ स्वप्ने पुरूषं कृष्णम्' इत्यादिश्रुतेः शुभाशुभसूचकश्च हि स्वप्रः । स्वप्नविदश्चाचक्षते तत्' । अतो न जीवः स्रष्टा स्वाप्नार्थानाम् |!] तदभावाधिकरणम् २}}
तदभावो नाडीषु तच्छ्रुतेरात्मनि च ॥ ७ ॥
स्वप्नाभावः सुषुप्तिः ‘' आसु तदा नाडीषु सुप्तो भवति सता
6. Sacakas'ca It; S'ruteh; -acaksate ca tadvidah
And it is suggestive according to scriptures; thus the knowers of the science of the dreams declare. Indeed, dreams indicate the future auspicious and inauspicious events. This is stated in the text- 'Then, if one sees the black person in dream.' etc. Thus declare the knowers of the science of the dreams. Therefore the individual selves are not the creators of the objects seen in dreams.
7. Tadabhavo nadisu tacchruteratmani ca
The absence of that dream (i.e. the deep sleep) takes place in the Nadis and in the Self, as stated in the scriptures. 'The absence of dream' means 'The deep sleep' (Susupti). The scriptures say thus-' Then he lies asleep in these Nadls' (Chand. VIII-6-3). 'Oh dear, then he
1 क्रृष्णदन्तम् added A l, 2 तत् omitted M 3.