
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

सता संपन्नोऽपि 'सुषुप्त एव प्रबुद्ध उत्तिष्ठति, ज्ञानवैधुर्येण कृतस्य कर्मणंस्र्तेनानुभाव्यत्यात्; पूर्वानुभूतप्रत्यभिज्ञानात् ; " त इह व्याघ्रो वा इत्यादि "यद्यद्भवन्ति तथा भवन्ति इतेि शब्दात्; मोक्षोपायविध्यi- नर्थक्याच्च ॥

मुग्धाधिकरणम् ४

मुग्धेडर्धसंपत्तिः परिशेषात्' ॥ १० ॥

मूर्छिते पुरुषे यावस्था, सा मरणायार्धसंपतिरिति हेतुभेदादाकार- ‌भेदादपुनरुत्थाननियमाभावाच्च ज्ञायते !|

A person becomes united with the True One in his deep sleep. Yet the same person again rises at the time of waking, because he has to undergo the retribution of the works done previously by want of knowledge. Because also there is the remembrance of the incidents that took place previously. And because it is stated in the scriptural text, beginning with , whatever they are here, whether a tiger, etc.' and ending with 'whatever they are, thus they become' (Chand. VI.I0.2). And because otherwise the injunction of the means for attaining Moksa (final beatitude) would become meaningless.


10. Mughderdhasampattih parisesat

In a swooping person there is half-reaching the death; for this is the on!y course remaining. In a swooning person a certain state is seen. That state is known as half.reaching the death; because its cause and the form assumed, are distinct from those of other states. It

1 सुप्तः M 1, 2. Pr. 2. परिशेषेणात् M 1