संराधनकर्मण्यभ्यासाद्येषां ब्रह्नास्वरूपदर्शनं जातं तद्दर्शने ज्ञाना- नन्दादेरिव 1जगदैश्वर्यस्याप्यवैशेष्यं प्रतीयते 'अहं मनुरभवं सूर्यश्च' इत्यादौ ॥
अतोऽनन्तेन ; तथाहि लिङ्गम्
अतो 'द्वे वाव ब्रह्मणो रूपे 'इत्यादिनोपदिष्टेनानन्तेन कल्याण- गुणगणेन यीगो ब्रह्मणः सिद्धः | तथा सत्युभयलिङ्गमेव ब्रह्म ॥
in respect of their being apprehended. The apprehen- sion takes place by the means of uninterrupted practice of meditation.
As regards the perfect endearment, the practice of meditation must be repeated. Then in the devotee is produced the apprehension of the essential nature of the Brahman. Then what are apprehended here are all the attributes of Brahman, such as knowledge, bliss and the wealth of the world, without any discrimination. This has been stated thus: 'I have become Manu and the Sun' (Brh. 1-4-10).
फलकम्:C25. ''Atonantena; tathahi lingam'' Hence (Brahman is characterised) with endless qualities; thus His characteristics hold good.
In the Brahman are established the endless auspicious qualities taught in the scriptural text, 'There are two-fold forms of the Brahman' (Brh.11-3-1). That being the case the Brahman. invariably possesses the two-fold characteristics.
1जगदैश्वर्यस्यवैशेष्यं A 1. Pr. 35