
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
त्रुततीयाध्याये द्वितीयः पादः

' अथ य आत्मा स सेतुः ' ' एतं सेतुं तीर्त्वा' 'चतुष्पाद् ब्रझ1 'अमृतस्यैष सेतुः' इत्यादिभिरस्य ब्रह्मणः सेतुत्वतरितव्यत्वपरि- मितत्वप्रापकत्वंव्यपदेशेभ्यः ' तेनेदं पूर्णं पुरुषेण सर्वम् ! ततो यदुत्तर- तरम्' इत्येतस्मातुं 2अर्थादुत्तरतत्त्वव्यपदेशाच्चान्यत्परमस्तीति|

सामान्यात्तु ॥ ३१ ॥

तुशब्देनैतद्वयावर्तयति । नैतद्युक्तम् । 3क्रुतः ' न ह्येतस्मादिति नेत्यन्यत्परमस्ति ' इति मूर्तामूर्तप्रपच्चकारतया तद्विशिष्टात् ' इति न'

The scriptures teach that (a) He is the bridge, (b) He is to be crossed, (c) He is measured, (d) He leads men for attainment of the bliss. The scriptures are-' Now the Self is the bridge' (Chand. VIII-4-1). 'Having crossed that bridge' (Chand. VIII-4-2). 'The Brahman has four feet' (Chand. III-18-2), 'He is the bridge that leads to immortality' (Mund II.4.5). There are also other texts-' By this Person this whole universe is filled. That which is above this. (S've. III and 10). Thus it is understoori that there is another entity which is higher than the Brahman . {{c|31. Samanyat tu))

But on account of the usage on resemblance.

The word, 'but' refutes the allegations made in the previous Sutra. What is stated above is not correct. Why? Because there are thousands of scriptural texts denying the existence of what is highest apart from the Brahman mentioned in the words' not that' and possessed of the universe with and without forms as adjectives. The text is this-' There is none

1 तहूह्म M 2, 2 अर्थान्त्तरव्यपदेशच्च M 2. Pr. 3 क्रुतः omitted A 1.