
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
तृतीयाध्याये तृतीयः पादः

फलस्याश्रवणात् पूर्वप्रस्तुतफलब्रह्मविद्याङ्गम् | छान्दोग्ये चाशिशेिषादीनां दीक्षादित्वकल्पनम्' । त्रेधा विभक्तपुरुषायुषस्य च सवनत्रयकत्वकल्पनम्' | "वर्षशतं जीवति' इति च फलम् |

देधाद्यधिकरणम् १८

वेधाद्यर्थभेवात् ॥ २५ ॥

उपनिषदारम्भेष्वधीत " शुकं प्रविध्य हृदयं प्रवविद्य" इत्यादिमन्त्रवत् महाव्रतादिमन्त्रवच्च " शं नो मित्रः" सह नाववतु इतेि मन्त्रा-

text the fruit is not mentioned and hence this Purusavidya is held as Angavidya (subordinate One) to the Brahmavidya which is mentioned together with the fruit in the previous portion. In the Chandogya text it is stated thus- The hunger etc. are Diksa (consecration). The life divided into three parts assumes the forms of the three Savanas (libations). The fruit is stated I He lives for hundred years' (Chand. 111-16-7).


25. Vedhdyarthabhedat

On account of the difference of purpose, such as piercing etc. In the beginning of the Upanisad (of the Atharvanikas) are recited the Mantras 'pierce the S'ukra, pierce the heart'. In the beginning of the Upanisad (of the Aitareyins) are recited the Mantras dealing with the Mahavrata. Simi1arly the Mantras recited by the Taittiriyakas-' May Mitra be propitious to us I (Tait. 1.1.1). 'May He protect us together ' (Tait.

1 दीक्षात्वकल्पनम् Pr, *पुरुषायुषसवनत्रयकल्पनं A 1.