
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

अनारब्धकार्याधिकरणम् ९॥

अनारब्धकार्ये एव तु पूर्वे तववघेः ॥ १५ ॥

वेिद्याधिगतेः पूर्वकृते पुण्यपापे फलदानाप्रवृते एवं विनश्यतः, "तस्य तावदेव चिरम्" इति शरीरपातावाधित्वश्रुतेः ॥

अग्निहीत्राद्यधिकरण्म् १०

अग्निहोत्रादि तु तत्कार्यायैव तद्दर्शनात् ॥ १६ ॥

अग्निहोत्राद्याश्रमकर्म वेिद्योत्पत्त्याख्यकार्यायैवाप्रयाणादनुष्टेयम् ।


15. Anaarabdhakaarye evatu purve tadvadheh

But only those former ,works, the effects of which are not yet begun (become destroyed); on account of that being the limit.

Only those good and evil deeds performed before the acquisition of knowledge perish, the effects of which have not begun to operate; because of the texts-'For him there is delay only as long as he is not delivered from the body' (Chaand. VI-14-2) say that they last till death.


16. Agnihotraadi tu tatkaaryaayaiva taddarsanaat

But the Agnihotra, etc. are for that effect only (i.e., the production of knowledge); this being seen in the scriptural texts.

Agnihotra, etc. that are prescribed with reference of Asramas, have to be performed till death, as they produce