
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
चतुर्थाध्याये तृतीयः पादः

'विशेषं च दर्शयति ॥ १५ ॥'

कार्यमुपासीनानां ब्रह्मप्राप्तिव्यतिरिक्तपरिमितदेशकालफलविशेषं च दर्शयति श्रुतिः “यावन्नाम्नो गतम्' इत्यादिका । इति श्रीभगवद्रामानुजविरचिते वेदान्तसारे चतुर्थस्या ध्यायस्य तृतीयः पादः ॥ Hence they do not meditate on the symbols. There is no contradiction with law of Tatkratu. Both of them meditate upon the Brahman in different ways. Some meditate upon the Brahman who has themselves for His body. Others meditate upon themselves having the Brahman for their Soul.

15. Visesam ca darsayati

And scripture declares the difference.

The meditation on the effected Brahman grants fruits in limited places and limited times, that are different from the attainment of the Brahman. This is stated in the text, ' He, who meditates upon name as Brahman, for him there is movment as he wishes as far as name extends *Chand.7.1-5. THUS ENDS THE 3RD PADA OF THE 4TH ADHYAYA