
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
प्रथमध्यायै प्रथमः पाद्ः

रूपं विवक्षितम् । ' यतः' इति हि श्रुतिरुभयविषया । कथमिति चेत्, 'यतो वा इमानि' इति प्रसेिद्धवन्निर्देशात् ; प्रसिद्धेश्वोमय- विषयत्वात् । "सदेव सोम्यदमग्र आसींदेकमेवाद्वितीयम् + तदैक्षत बहु स्यां प्रजायेयेति । तत्तेजोऽसृजत" इत्यत्र सदेवेदमग्र एकमेवा- सींदित्युपादानतां प्रतिपाद्य, अद्वितीयमेित्यधिष्ठात्रन्तरनिवारणात् सच्छब्द- वाच्यं ब्रह्मैव निमित्तमुपादानं चेतेि विज्ञायते । "तदैक्षत बहु स्यां प्रजायेय" इत्यात्मन एव विचित्रस्थिरत्रसरूपेण बहुभवनं संकल्प्य तथैव सृष्टिवचनाञ्च | अतः श्रुतावपि 'यतः' इति हेतौ पञ्चमी ।

To the question-how is it? the reply is this-There is a clear reference to Him as being the cause of the creation,etc. (of the world) in the expression 'from whom etc.' as if He were a well-known celebrated Being. His celebrity includes the twofold causation said above. (Consider) the text 'Existence alone, my dear boy, this was in the beginning one only, without a second. . . . It thought 'May I become many and be born'. It created Tejas' (Chand. VI-2-1 & 3). Here the expression ' Existence alone this was in the beginning one only' proves that He is the material cause (of the Universe). The expression' without a second' refutes a different substratum. Hence it becomes known that the Brahman, who is denoted by the word 'existence' is both the efficient cause and the material cause (of the Universe). It is known also from the scriptural text " It thought 'May I become many and be born" that He did resolve to assume many variegated forms of sentient and non-sentient beings and then He did create (the Universe). Therefore the expression 'from whom is used in the scripture with the ablative case in this sense of causality in general,