164, NOTES / भेजिरे। ये प्रजां नेषिरे धीरास्तेऽमृतत्वं हि भेजिर इत्याहुः११ । The same thing is found in Apastambadharmzsutras 2. 9. 23. 3--5; “अथ पुराणे श्लोकावुदाहरन्ति। अष्टाशीतिसहस्राणि ये . प्रजामीषिर ऋषयः । दक्षिणेनार्यम्णः पन्थानं ते श्मशानानि भेजिरे । अष्टाशीतिसहस्राणि ये प्रजां नेषिर ऋषयः । उत्तरेणार्यम्णः पन्थानं तेऽमृतत्वं हि कल्पते” ॥ There are passages of similar import in Vayu Puran 50. 213, 219; and Matsya Purana 123. 101 &e. Page70 I am unable to trace the quotation ‘ब्राह्मणेन षडङ्गो वेदः &c., but it looks as if it came from some dharma- sutra. It is quoted in the Mohabhasya (p. 1. ) and reproduced on page 113 of Prof. Max. Miller's Ancient Sanskrit Literature as a Vedic passage, but no hint is given as to its source Line 23. आध्यात्मिकादिदुःखत्रयं । 'The दुःखत्रयं is referred to in Sankhyakarika 1, on which Vachaspatimisra, remarks as follows:-दुःखानां त्रयं दुःखत्रयं तत्खलु आध्या- त्मिकमाधिभौतिकमाधिदैविकं च । तत्राध्यात्मिकं द्विविधं शारीरं मानसं च । शारीरं वातपित्तश्लेष्मणां वैषम्यनिमित्तं मानसं कामक्रोधलोभमोहभ येष्यविषादविषयविशेषादर्शननिबन्धनम् । सर्वं चैतदन्तरोपायसाध्य त्वादाध्यात्मिकं दुःखम् &c. Page 71. ‘‘अकुर्वन्विहितं कर्म &c. There 1s no reasonable room for doubt that Ramatirtha took this, and the two succeeding experts, direct from Anandagiri's tika on the opening part of Tait.. Up. Bhasya. Not only so, but the whole of the substance of the discussion on नित्यकर्माणि, and, in some cases, entire passages in it, are taken from that source and from the same writer's commentary on Sures'vara's Tait. bhasyavartika 1. 19–22. The reading .८१ नरः पतनमृच्छति, ” which is also found in this verse as quoted by Anandagiri, looks as if it had been imported from Yajnyavalkya-smriti iii. 219, where we read. =‘विहितस्याननुष्ठानान्निन्दितस्य च सेवनात्। अनिग्रहाच्चेन्द्रियाणां नरः पतनमृच्छति ’ ॥ It is possible to do a prescribed act at a wrong time, with reference to which see अकाले कृतमकृतं स्यात् in Maxims iii (2nd edn. ).
पृष्ठम्:वेदान्तसारः (सदानन्दः).djvu/१७५
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति