70 NOTES. १on its leaving the gross body. Kulluka, in his comment on Manu i. 56, explains it thus:–‘पुर्यष्टकशब्देन भूतादी न्यष्टावुच्यन्ते । तदुक्तं सनन्देन ।‘भूतेन्द्रियमनोबुद्धिवासनाकर्मवायवः। अविद्या चाष्टकं प्रोक्तं पुर्यष्टमृषिसत्तमैः' । ब्रह्मपुराणेऽप्युक्तम् । ‘पुर्यष्टकेन लिङ्गेन प्राणाद्येन स युज्यते । तेन बद्धस्य वै बन्धो मोक्ष मुक्तस्य तेन तु ।. See Dr..Buhler's note on the above verse in his translation of Manu. In the Bhasya on Brahma sutra 3. 1. 1, Sankara says “जीवो मुख्यप्राणसचिवः सेन्द्रियः समनस्कोऽविद्याकर्मपूर्वप्रज्ञापरिग्रहः पूर्वदेहं विहाय देहान्तरं प्रपद्यते.” Suresvara uses काम in the place of the वासना of Sananda and of the पूर्वप्रज्ञा of Sankara : and includes the four divisions of अन्तःकरण instead of two. In both these particulars he is followed by Govindananda in his comment on Brahmasutrabhasya 2. 4. 6. where also, Sankara quotes the verse cited above from the Brahma-Purana, Page 100. पञ्चीकरणवार्तिक is Suresvara's work, in 64 verses, explanatory of Sankara's Panchikarana from which we have a quotation on page 114. Both works exist in MS only. नच -.विकल्पोऽभ्युपेयते &c. See the nyaya “‘क्रिया हि विकल्प्यते न वस्तु,'ॐ in Maxims iii (2nd edn. ). Page 101. इन्द्रियाण्यहंकारेकाणि । For this see Sankhyaka rika 22-26. Page 103 उत्कान्तिगत्यागतिश्रुति ’. These, as given in Brah masutrabhasya 2. 3. 19, are Kausi. 3. 3; 1. 1; Brih. 4, 4, 6. बिलान्निर्गच्छन्तः &c. See Brahmasutrabhasya 2. 4. 7. हृदि प्राण इत्यभिधानात् । 'The expression हृदि प्राणः occurs in Brahma Upanisad , 2; but as Ramatirtha does not give it as a Vedic quotation I have not put it in inverted commas Page 106. मध्यप्रदीपन्याय. For this and the synonymous देहलीदीपन्याय see Maxims i (2nd edn.). , Page 107. ‘कुरुषु &c.” This curious quotation, together with
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एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति