
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

DICEST OF PADANANDA 51 the latter's childliood, when both of them hac an intorview with Adilela, Mahabala's grandfather turned into a god, who ndvised yoong Malabala to lend a life of piély and righteouluor, and appeals to laim to belicro in tho realities of the next world very sinccroly. 186 Nahalala is visibly moved by Sexyambuddha's appeal 187-225 finding that the present moment was the most orportund for Makabala'a spiritual redemption, Stayambuddha recounts to bim a brief history of his forefatbore with a view to imprets upon his mind how il pious and rightoous life always leads to lisppiness and how s licentious life bringe nothing but miscry in its traio 188-200 Amongst the forofthora of cthuhala, there was one bamed Kurucandra, whose wifo van Kurumali and whose son Wa Hartoandre, This king was a perfectly vicious, lewd, mao of bcaatly violence, Retributiva justice visited upou him all dire and innumerable micoring while he was on li death-bord. Ho succombed at let. 201-211 His Not Huricaruru wa furſect contrast to bta fatter; for, LC Was pique, righteoua sad scriipulous. Ho once learnt from a mnuni called S'iladhara that his father durucandra was suffering tho just punishment to the 7th cd for uis recklessness in life. 2014andru 149 EU mnc frightened by this that he counced the world at once, placing his son on the throno god by leading a life of asceticism reached a state of bicegedness after death. 212-220 There was also apother kiog named Dandatu viliose valoroas deeds in battles could only be matched by his miserling and fording liabite la led a sordid life and after I Fordid teath, 919 bomu 19 A migbty guardiac-snake and took his abode in tho treasure-house witch cootained the savings of Lis former life. IIe Followal chery one that Jared w step ivoidu the treasure-Lous Ouo day, howovor, his own yirtuous son fonamulir went into the tre360rc-bous and the two recognised cach other. Lunimālin preached the Juind faith to bim, Whereupon 10 full of abusliment for 218 mieerable condition, at oveo fook to renunciation and after death was admitted to the company of gods. Dandaka torneil into a gmi, proroutel once very precious necklace of celestial jowels to lifa son Mantmálin A memonto. Syambut ddha remiude Mahabala that the latter is still trearing the selfsumo celestial necltaco 221-225 Ite farther warns tbe king that behna Teocul only recently from two munis named Viyadhara and Urvituara that the hing TAA destined to live only for tiro months nora and that is by ho feels Very suziove for his spiritual welfaro. 226-231 Nahalala repents his deeds of recklessness, and regtesla Senyambunata to Le his guru aud proach this right path to Puin, but rays that this period would Le too littic to alone for the egregious blan: of reckless liſo, 1 BO