
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

which is All-Transcendent Parama Shiva of the nature of Bliss itself and All-Complete in Himself.

 A brief and intelligent expression of significance of the vowels as given by Sir George Grierson, K. C. I. E., in his brochure 'On the S'āradā Alphabet' is reproduced below for the reader's information:

 "(अ)-the first element in the conception of the Uppermost Ego, perfect Egoity, essentially transcendental in nature.

 "(आ)-the sinking to rest in that same (perfect egoity), hence the power of joy consisting in the combination of two 'अ's.

 "(इ)-the power of Will, styled Aghora, consisting of an instinct towards external self-manifestation amidst the union consisting of the Equilibrium of S'iva.

 "(ई)-the same when mistress (Isitri) and as it were, fallen to rest in the Self, hence composed of the combination of two 'इ's.

 "(उ)-the power of thought in the form of an opening out (unmesha) of a universe, while there is in (the Power of) Will an instinct outwards.

 "(ऊ)-a condition revealing deficiency in the principle of Consciousness, owing to the