
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

वेदान्तकृत् 3182. Nom. sing. of the mas. comp. noun Vedantakṛt (The founder of the Vedāntas i. e. the Aupanişad school) 15. 15. 3183. t: Nom. plu. of the mas. noun Veda (See No. 3181) 2. 45; 17. 23. Primary Word-Units 3184. वेदितव्यम् Nom. sing of the neu. form of the pot. participial adj. Veditavya (That which should be known) 11. 18. 3185 वेदितुम् Inf. of the root Vid (See No. 3046) 13. supernumerary stanza (See App. I. 31); 18. 1. 3186. g Loc. plu. of the mas. noun Veda (See No. 3181) 2. 46; 8. 28. 3187. Loc. sing. of the mas. noun Veda (The three Vedas taken. collectively) 15. 18. 3188. Inst. plu. of the mas. noun Veda (See No. 3181) 11. 53; 15. 15. 3189. Nom. sing. of the neu. form of the pot. participial adj. Vedya (The thing that should be known) 9. 17; 11. 38. 3190. a: Nom. sing. of the mas. form of the pot. participial adj. Vedya (He who should be known) 15. 15. 3191.: Nom. sing. of the mas. noun Vepathu (Horripilation or tremor) 1. 29. 3192. वेपमान: Nom. sing of the mas. form of the pres. participial adj. Vepamāna (One who was trem- bling) 11. 35. व्यथन्ति of attachment i. e. indifference to- wards the objects of sense-percep- tion) 13. 8; 18. 52. 3193. : Nom. sing. of the mas. noun Vainateya (The son of Vinatā i, e. Garuda ) 10. 30. 3194. Nom. or acc. sing. of the neu. noun Vairagya (Absence 3195. Inst. sing. of the neu. noun Vairagya (See No. 3194) 6.35. 3196. वैरिणम् Acc. sing of the mas. noun Vairin (An enemy) 3. 37. 3197. वैश्यकर्म Nom. sing of the neu. comp. noun Vaisyakarman ( Ac- tion appropriate to a member of the Vaisya class) 18. 44. 3198. : Nom. sing. of the mas. noun Vaisya (A member of the third Varna who was either an agricul- turist or a trader by profession) 9. 32. 3199 वैश्वानर: Nom. sing of the mas. noun Vaiśvānara (The heat in the stomach popularly known as the Jatharägni) 15. 14. 3200. व्यक्तमध्यानि Nom. plu. of the_ neu. comp. noun Vyaktamadhya (That which is manifest in the middle stage) 2. 28. 3201.: Nom. plu. of the fem. noun Vyakti (Lit. ' a thing which is manifest' and hence the state of an individual' or 'manifestation')'8. 18. 3202. Acc. sing. of the fem. noun Vyakti (See No. 3201) 7. 24; 10. 14. 3203. व्यतितरिष्यति Fut 3rd pers. sing. of the root Tr with the prefixes Ati and Vi (To swim across ) 2. 52. 3204 व्यतीतानि Nom. plu. of the neu. form of the past pass. partici- pial adj. Vyatīta (The one which has passed away ) 4. 5. 3205. a Pres. 3rd pers. plu. of the root Vyath (To be afflicted or disturbed.) 14. 2. This is a 1st conj. Atma. root but is irregularly used as a Paras. one. 139