
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

सुखदुःखानाम् 3664. सुखदुःखानाम् Gen. plu. of the neu. comp. noun Sukhaduḥkha (Happiness and misery) 13. 20. 3665. सुखदुःखे Acc. dual of the neu. comp. noun Sukhaduḥkha (See No. 3664) 2.38. Bhagavadgita Word-Index Pt. I A 3666 सुखसन Inst. sing of the mas. comp. noun Sukhasanga (Con- tact with or attachment to happiness) 14.6. 3667. g Gen. sing. of the neu. noun Sukha (Happiness) 14. 27. 3668. सुखम् Acc. sing of the neu, noun Sukha (See No. 3667) 2. 66; 4. 40; 5. 21²; 6. 21, 27, 28, 32; 10. 4; 13. 6; 16. 23; 18. 36, 37, 38, 39; The same used as an adverb (At ease or easily) 5. 3, 13. 3669 सुखानि Acc. plu. of the neu. noun Sukha (See No. 3667) 1. 32, 33. 3670. सुखिन: Nom. plu. of the mas. noun Sukhin ( A happy man) 1. 37; 2. 32. 3671. Nom. sing. of the mas. noun Sukhin (See No. 3670) 5. 23; 16. 14. 3672. g Loc. sing. of the neu. noun Sukha (See No. 3667) 14. 9. 3673. Inst. sing. of the neu. noun Sukha (See No. 3667) used in an adverbial sense (Easily) 6. 28. 3674. सुखेषु Loc. plu. of the neu. noun Sukha (See No. 3667) 2.55. 3675 सुघोषमणिपुष्प को Acc. dual of the mas. comp. noun Sughosamani- puşpaka (Sughoşa and Manipuspaka, the names of the conches used by the Pandavas, Nakula and Sahadeva respectively) 1. 16. 3676. सुदुराचार: Nom. sing of the mas. form of the comp. adj. Sudu rācāra (One who is too much ill- behaved) 9. 30. 3677. सुदुदंर्शम् Acc. sing of the neu. form of the comp. adj. Sudur- darśa (That of which it is highly difficult to get a vision) 11. 52. 3678. सुदुर्लभ: Nom. sing of the mas. form of the comp. adj. Sudur- labha (Highly difficult to acquire ). 7. 19. 3679. सुदुष्करम् Nom. sing of the neu. form of the comp. adj. Sudus- kara (Highly difficult to practise ) 6.34. 3680. सुनिश्चितम् Adv. Ind. (Quite definitely or after coming to a de- finite conclusion ) 5: 1. 3681. सुरगणा: Nom. plu. of the mas. comp. noun Suragana (A group of gods) 10. 2. 3682, सुरसङ्घा: Nom. plu. of the mas. comp. noun Surasangha (An assemblage of gods) 11. 21. 3683. सुराणाम् Gen. plu. of the mas. noun Sura (A god) 2. 8. 3684. सुरेन्द्रलोकम् Acc. sing of the mas. comp. noun Surendraloka (The region of Indra) 9. 20. 3685. सुलभ: Nom. sing of the mas. form of the adj. Sulabha (Easy to acquire or reach ) 8. 14. 3686 सुविरूडमूलम् Acc. sing of the mas. form of the comp. adj. Suvirūḍhamüla (That which has its roots firmly fixed) 15. 3. 3687. सुसुखम् Adv. Ind. (Quite easily ) 9. 2. 3688. Nom. sing. of the mas. form of the comp. adj. Suhrt used as a noun (A well-wisher) 9. 18. 160