पृष्ठम्:संस्कृतकथासङ्ग्रहः (राजगुरुः-१९३८).pdf/4

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

frame e10ugh questions for themselves. The value of conversa tion, in making this dead Sanskrit Language a living one, can never be doubted.

Miscellane0us verses are added at the end of each Part, m10st of which are from Hit0padesha as they are m10st instructive and are very easy to understand.

A very imp0rtant and 10te-worthy element has been introduc ed in this B00k at the suggestion (0f Mr. M. N. Kulkarni, the Publisher of this b00k At the beginning of some stories, pic tures, suggestive of the contents therein, have been give1. These pictures will enable the students to understand the story easily and will also help a g00d deal in asking questions to the students. I have, therefore, to acknowledge my indebtedlmess t0) Mr. M. N. Kulkarni, the Proprietor of the Karnatak Printing Press, for the happy suggestion of introducing pictures in this B00k as well as for the promptness and Zeal with which he brought this b00k to light within a very short time.

D. K. R. 21 st June 1935.