abhijanavaan.h = surrounded by aristocratic relatives
abhijaataH = born of
abhijaatasya = of one who is born of
abhijaananti = they know
abhijaanaati = does know
abhijaayate = becomes manifest
abhijita = A nakshatra between uttaraashhDhaa and shravaNa mainly centred
on the star Vega. For some reason it is not usually included in the 27
nakshatras although it would make 28 if it was. adhipatii - Lord
abhijin.hmuhuurta = the most auspicious moment
abhitaH = everywhere
abhidhaasyati = explains
abhidhiiyate = is called
abhinandatii = praises
abhinaya = acting
abhinivesha = possessiveness
abhipravR^ittaH = being fully engaged
abhipraayaH = (m) opinion
abhibhavati = transforms
abhibhavaat.h = having become predominant
abhibhuuya = surpassing
abhimanaH = conceit
abhimaana = self-importance
abhimukhaaH = towards
abhiyaachanaa = (f) demand
abhiyuktaanaaM = fixed in devotion
abhirataH = following
abhirakshantu = should give support
abhirakshitaM = perfectly protected
abhirakshitam.h = who has been well protected
abhiraamastrilokaanaaM = the laudable rAma for all the three worlds
abhivijvalanti = and are blazing
abhishhi.nchati = performs' puuja', by pouring water etc. on the idol
abhishhekaM = ablution
abhisandhaaya = desiring
abhihitaa = described
abhiipsita = desired
abhyadhikaH = greater
abhyanunaadayan.h = resounding
abhyarchya = by worshiping
abhyasanaM = practice
abhyasuuyakaaH = envious
abhyasuuyati = is envious
abhyasuuyantaH = out of envy
abhyahanyanta = were simultaneously sounded