पृष्ठम्:सिद्धसिद्धान्तपद्धतिः अन्ये च.djvu/५२

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति


twentyfive pictures relating to the MS. Siddha-Siddhanta- Paddahati, which were drawn in the reign of Maharaja Mansingh of Jodhpore in V. S. 1881 (1824 A. D.), has also been obtained by me. I am indebted to Professor P. L. Nag of Jodhpore in helping me to obtain them.

In 1947, 1 found at the Darbhanga Raj's Sanskrit Library two MSS:-

(i) Goraksa Siddha Sabar;

(ii) Atreya Gorakhsa Samvade Satmopadesha

but I did not have them copied, as they did not seem to be very old or important.

In the same year Dr. S. K. Belvalkar went to Nepal and very kindly looked up on my behalf the Nepal Durbar Library, and found the following MSS.:-

(i) Siddhanta Sara Paddhati;

(ii) Siddhanta Sara Samhita;

(iii) Hata Dipika:

In the library of the Rajaguru Pandit Hemraja, however, Dr. Belvalkar found the following MSS. in Newari characters:-

(i) Gorakh-Satakam • • pp 1-19

(ii) Yoga-Satakam • • pp 1-16

(iii) Gorakh-Satakam

(another copy) pp 1-14

(iV) Tatwa Sara by Matsyendra

(v) Jnana Sara by Matsyendra

I tried to obtain copies of the last two but have been unable to secure them uptill now. Scholars interested in this subject may do so and study them.

In publishing this volume the idea is to bring out the importance of the MSS. relating to the Natha Sect, and at the same time to rescue the texts from perishable materials. At this age a better understanding of the rites and rituals of the sect, which once held great sway over India, is also necessary. The works are mostly known to be of Gorakhnath, the foremost yogi of mediaeval India and the most powerful of the Natha Sect.

(1) Nirgura School of Hindi poetry – Barthwal, P. 281