पृष्ठम्:सिद्धसिद्धान्तपद्धतिः अन्ये च.djvu/५८

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति


The physical body, with which we are familiar, represents the last stage i.e., Garbha pinda; the other five pindas, being progressively subtler states of the Garbha pinda. All these stages are described and the different stages of the embryonic growth in the mother's womb are also given.

The human body also consists of twenty-five qualities, and as such it is known as Jiva (1.54). Liberation is sought by Jiva only when he knows he is a part and parcel of Siva. It is then that he seeks the Supreme Reality or the Parampada of the Nathas and is eager for union with Him. So jiva must know his own origin and nature. With this idea in view Gorakhanath described how the six pinda are created and Jiva formed, and what is Siva. The Mahasakara pinda is Siva, and from Siva we have Bhairava, Srikantha, Sadasiva, Isvara, Rudra, Visnu and Brahma, known together as the eight incarnate beings or मूर्यष्टकम् (1.36).

From the last aspect of Siva or from Brahma's avalokana we have the union which produces Jiva in the Garbha pinda. Thus from Siva we have Jiva in six stages. (So Jiva can attain liberation from human birth if he so desires, and be in union with Siva. This is the philosophy of the Natha Yogis.)

In this chapter the gross and subtle bodies of man are also described. The five qualities of speech viz., para, pasyanti, madhyama, Vaikhari and matrka, the moon's seventeen Kalas (digits), the Sun's twelve Kalas, the ten nerves and the ten vital airs or vayus in the body are mentioned. These are worth noting.

Notes : In the Hardwar copy an additional couplet on Hatha Yoga is given (vide foot-note No. 26 on 1.68 of Siddha Siddhanta Paddhati). While nine Vayus (vital airs) are mentioned in the Hardwar copy, the additional name of Udana Vayu is found in the Jodhpur copy which has been printed here. That परशिवः is जातः from शक्तिचक्र is found in different forms in the different copies as under :-

शक्तिचक्रक्रमेणोत्थो जातः in Jodhpur and Tanjore copies. (1.14)

शक्तिचक्रक्रमणोत्थो जातः in Hardwar copy. (1.16)

शक्तिचक्रक्रमेणैव जातः in Banaras copy.

क्तिचक्रक्रमेण तज्जातः is perhaps better.