पृष्ठम्:सिद्धसिद्धान्तपद्धतिः अन्ये च.djvu/६१

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति


Sahasrara, Nirvana and Manolaya in the above table have more or less the same significance, as it is here that the Yogi attains liberation and his mind is absorbed in the Parampada.

Another point of interest is that the Kundalini in the Nabhi- cakra is stated to have five coils instead of the usual eight.

The sixteen adharas (supports) on which the mind is to be fixed for attainment of different results are described. The three laksyas or points of concentration and the five vyomans (firmaments) lead one to various stages of purity and perfection. The asanas (postures) and the eight Yogangas (different stages of Yoga) all help the Yogi in attaining Samadhi (i. e. fixation of the mind on the Supreme Spirit).

In this Chapter there is a definition of the real Yogi, (2. 61).

नवचक्रं कलाधारं त्रिलक्ष्यं व्योमपञ्चकम् ।
सम्यगेतन्न जानाति स योगी नामधारकः॥ ३१ ॥

i.e., One must be familiar with the nine cakras, sixteen adharas, three lakyas and five vyomans properly in order to be a Yogi in the true sense.

Summary of Upadesa III.

This chapter deals with the knowledge of the body and shows the identity of the microcosm with the macrocosm i. e., whatever exists in the outside world is present also in the human body. Thus the seven nether worlds are located in the portion of the body below the bottom of the spinal column, and the twenty-one in the upper region of the body. The place of Siva is in the Taludvara (uvula) (3.5). The Lambikamula, Sringara, Trikuta are all described in this chapter. In (2.27) we find 'Gollata' (Hardwar copy) or 'Kollata' in (Jodhpur copy) mentioned. The nine khandas (Bharat, Kashmir etc.) are in the nine avenues. The hills, rivers, planets, devas, siddhas, the sun and the moon (these are the two eyes), clouds (these are the tears), creepers, plants &c. have their counterparts in the human body. What is our happiness is Heaven, our sorrow is Hell, our Karma is what binds us to this world, but for which we may attain Mukti i.e. liberation. When ones mind does not