has been shown lately1 that he is the author also of 1.0g10praka7012 in six chapters, 4ganita, an extensive work on the computation of planets , using novel methodologies and two short tracts entitled Madhyaा71a7aya70prakara and Mahajyam10)"0710prakara. Still. another work possibly composed by him is the Gollavadu , which seems to have helped to stabilise his appellation as 'Goldwid'. Sp/lt/[0c07drapti, edited here, is the latest addition to this works .* Besides the said full-fledged works, a number of stray verses of Madhava are quoted by later astronomers like Nilakantha Somayaji Nārāyana, commentator of the Llavat, Saikara, commentator of 7antrasaiोgraha etc. One of his significant contributions to mathe Imatics, known from these quotations , is his e nunciation of formulae value of 7 by the method of indeferf ate series, a method which was re-discovered in Europe mearly three hundred years later by James (Gregory ( 1638-75 A. D.) and (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibmit7 (1646-1716 A. D.).* His iye por८ऽpura-1ya]yur contains the emun ciation, probably for the first time in India, of the formula for the Sime of the sum of two angles, sine (A+B)=sin A. Cos B + Cos A. Sime B. The study and interpretation , in terms of modern mathe of the enunciations of Madhava in his stray verses and in his full-fledged works is bound to yield valuable results in the history of Hindu astronomy Certain directions given in the Sphutac८ndrapti give a general indication of its date of composition. Thus, for the calculation of the Mean Sun we are asked to subtract from the current Kaliday the the editon of 1e११varoha, pp. 8-9: History of ८1str071०71y, (Hoshiarpur, 1972), pp. 51-52, 151 pp. 32-33, 117, with a view to 3. Pp. 20-26 On the this 13 Kerala school of Hindu। I had mentioned this text am anony mous work related However, editing it established its being an earlier work of M1adh1va 709)
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति