
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

14 COMPUTATION ata 15,02,008 and 5180 anomalistic cycles of the Moon . If there be further days, the number of such days has to be multiplied by the mean daily motion and added (verses 20-21). This would show that the work was composed about this time. This date would be 15,02,008 days (Kali 4112, A.D. 1010) plus 5180 anomalistic cycles of the Moon (390 years), i.e., about 1400 A.ID) Madhava's recently identified work, 4garita, also gives a clue to his date . Indicating the sodhyabda -ऽ ('deductive years') for the computation of the planets, the author states : C. 1360 to 1318 1320 शाकाब्दात् ‘नरलोको'नाद् राघवैधत्सुना कुजः । 1340 “दिव्यलोको'ननीलाप्रैस OF TRUE MOON 1158 ‘हेमपुण्यो'नशाकाब्दात् ‘नवलोको'नसारङ्गर्गजैराप्ते गुरुर्भवेत् । तत्वभजिते वधः ।। सारवैगवरैर्भगुः ।

  • यज्ञलोको'ननीतांशैर्धर्मेराप्ते

शानिर्भवेत । The 'deductive years' for the different planets Mars etc. are Saka 1320, 1318, 1340, 1158, 1301 and 1276, corresponding to A. Do 1398, 1396, 1418, 1236, 1379 and 1354 . In consonance with the principle of 50d}}]yabda-s, these figures represent the largest number of years possible to be cut of for the different planets at the time when the work was written. The date of composition of the work would thus, be just ahead of the largest 'deductive year' mentioned, which in the present case, is A.D. 1418. 1276 ‘तीर्थप्रियो'नशाकाब्दाद गन्धमििजते तम: ।। A clue to the date of birth of Madhava is provided by that of his younger contemporary and pupil, Parame5vara who was borm From the above considerations Madhava have lived between A. D. 1340 and 1425 could be supposed