
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Dru10:s will be, in order, successively. greater than the one before , the 7ak]'(strik/yds being so in the descending order. If otherwise, the order will be reversed (in both) 15. This method of work has been spelt out for (the benefit) of one who has forgotten the tradition. (Otherwise, 010e would have an easy understanding thereof from tradition itself 16-17. When the /al.jy1ऽ८rikhya for a (particular) Dhr1५vakala is considered, the /alkyasailk)'d next to it will be less tha1 it by 55 (545a) or greater than it by 193 (8ulika). The (Dirty८s) for these two (via 5 and 193 days) will be given by 3176 (i।rt/htalkaliga) divided by 1035 (71garika) multiplied, respectively, by 2 (pra) and 7 (ऽ1). The results, which will be in degrees, are to be added to or subtracted from the previous Dlr1)05. 18. When a )})'t॥y0/kal( has been calculated from a number (viz., 6845 71i711ऽ the remain der, wide verse 8), the subsequent (D/1711alkal(-s) would have been derived from numbers increased by 747 (s0।'yartl८) or 808 (fm.ada10).* 19. In the case of a succeeding (Dlhr10kal८), all (the above said) corrections should be applied, inversely. In the case of those removed by one, two or threc (intervening D/hruwakalu-s), the s14॥ of the (relevant) corrections (should be similarly applied ) 20. Again, at 60 71ddikas (after or before) a Dlruwakala, the corresponding Wakyasaik/]ya will increase or decrease by 1. But the Dl। 1५0 will not change. Indeed, this is a universal rule 38 above, p. 21, No; where the which is the 0;"uw2 for one anomalistic cycle (wide 10). Since one cycle e५ual to 27 days, roughly, (vide verse 7), Dhruva for 2 cycles or 55 days 3176 2X 1035 3176 3176 1035 22 is figures are : 460, 1207, 2015, 2762, 3509, 4256, 5064, 5811