
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

C (0) INTRODUCTION N T F Introductory-Thc present edition1-Moon-Sentences, Appendix 1-Verification of the Sentences-Manus cript material-Appendices I and III-Splutaca11drapti and Vervar0/167- 1xaाrolla method for the Moon N T S Madhava's Candravakyas Cr. Edition, with Translation and Notes Object of the work-Principle of the Method-Method of Numbers--Zero-correction to longitudes-Longitudimal Table—C01'rections for the True M1001-Correction for the Eduation of time- Correction for Terrestrial longitude-Correction for Declinational ascensional difference 17-23 APPENDIX II Zero-Corrections for the Aeon APPENDIX III Some Lump-days and their Zero-Corrections Pages 7-15 24-45 46-59 60-61 62-63 64-66