The Sp/114f4c41drdpti of the remownced mediaeva1 astronomer of Kerala, Madhava of Saigamagrama (c. A.D. 1340-1425), critically edited here for the first t111e , enunciates an ingenious method for the computation of the True Moon. Besides being the fastest graha, the Moon has also the maximum changes in its motion, with the result that its p0sition if calculated on the basis of its position at sumrise and/or at Sunset and its average motion for the day would give only rough results. Madhava describes in the present work the construction of a Chart from which the True M001 could be read out at intervals of about 40 minutes each throughout the day. The Chart is also so designed that, with minor changes, it could be used for the succeeding days as well The critical edition of Spl11410c07drapti, presented in the following pages , is based on its only available manuscript. For facilitating the comprehension of this technical treatise, an English rendering has been added on pages facing the text. In the foot 10tes to the edition, an endeavour has been made to derive the several formulae enunciated by the author for the computation . The principles underlying the method have been set out in detail in the Introduction that follows this Preface. A concrete example has also For ensuring accuracy in the above, it is essential that the daily motion of the Moon used for the calculations is very accurate. The Moon-sentences of Vararuci, which are ordinarily used in Kerala astronomical practice, 1 are correct only to the minute and so can give only rough results Madhava has, therefore, computed in place of the above, more s0plhisticated M001-sentences, correct to the second, for nine anomalistic cycles of the Moon (248 days) and set them out and 1. For a critical edition of these Moon-sentences called Gr१८}} &re yतdi (Cr. ed. by T. S. K. Sastri K. V. Sarma, K. S. Res. Inst , Madras-4, 1962), App. [1, pp. 125-34
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति