
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्


head. It did not, said he, become a Rājput to mulilate females; else he should have cut out the tongues of those that uttered such blasphomy in his fair daughter's ears. “Child,” said Hammira, “you are yet too young to undersland these matters, and there is not much use in my explaining them to you. But to give you away to the unclean Muhammadan, to enjoy life, is to me as loathsome as prolonging existence by living on my own flesh. Such a connection would bring disgrace on the fair name of our house, would destroy all hopes of salvation, and embitter our last days in this world. I will rather die ten thousand deaths than live a life of such infamy,” He censed, and ordered his daughter, kindly but firmly, to her chamber.

The unsuspecting king then prepared to go, in the dusk of the evening, to Ranamalla's quarters, in order to remove his doubts, as advised by Ratipàla. The king was but slightly attended. When, however, he approached Ranamulla's quarters, the latter remembered what Ratipala had said to him, and, thinking his imprisonment was inevitable if he stopped there any longer, precipitately left the fort with his party and went over to 'Alā'u'll-dîn, Šeelng this, Ratipala. also did the same.

The king, thus deceived and bewildered, came back to the palace, and sending for the Kothari (the offlcer in charge of the royal granaries) inquired of him as to the state of the Stores, and how long they would hold out. The Kothári, fearing the loss of his influence, if he were to tell the truth to the king all that time, falsely answered that the stores would suffice to hold out for a considerable time. But scarcely had this officer turned his back when it became generally that there was no more corn in the state granaries. Upon the news reaching the king's cars, he ordered Virama to put Ihe false Kothari to dealh, and to throw all the wealth he possessed into the lake of Padma Sagar,

Harassed with the numerous trials of that day, the king in .