ॠदन्त (roots) ending in ॠ which have the vowel ॠ changed into इर् by the rule ॠत इद्धातोः P.VII. 1.100; e. g. किरति, गिलति. लृ लृ short vowel लृ taken to be a cognate of ऋ, and described as a vocalic form of the letter ल. लृदित् (roots) marked with the mute indicatory letter लृ, which take the substitute अ (अङ्) for च्लि, the Vikaraṇa of the aorist; e. g. अपतत्, अशकत् cf. पुषादिद्ताद्य्-लृदितः परस्मैपदेषु P.III.1.55. ए ए diphthong vowel ए made up of अ and इ, and hence having कण्ठतालु- स्थान as its place of origin. It has no short form according to Pāṇini. In cases where a short vowel as a substitute is prescribed for it in grammar, the vowel इ is looked upon as its short form. Patañjali in his Mahābhāṣya has observed that followers of the Sātyamugri and Rāṇāyanīya branches of the Sāmaveda have short ए ( ऍ ) in their Sāmaveda recital and has given सुजाते अश्वसूनृते, अध्वर्यो अद्रिभिः सुतम् as illustrations; cf. M. Bh. on I.1-48; as also the article on.
cf. इह चेत्येके मन्यते, M. Bh. on P.I.
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पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्