पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
कर्म नामन्

from the activity. It is called विकार्य when a transformation or a change is noticed in the object as a result of the verbal activity, e. g. काष्ठानि भस्मीकरोति, घटं भिनत्ति etc. It is called प्राप्य when no change is seen to result from the action, the object only coming into contact with the subject, e. g. ग्रामं गच्छति, आदित्यं पश्यति etc. It is called निर्वर्त्य when the object is brought into being under a specific name; e.g. घटं करोति, ओदनं पचति; cf. निर्वर्त्ये च विकार्यं च प्राप्यं चेति त्रिधा मतम् । तत्रेप्सिततमम् Padamañjarī on I.4.49: cf. also Vākyapadīya III.7.45 as also Nyāsa on 1.4.49. The object which is not ईप्सिततम is also subdivided into four kinds e. g. (a) अनीप्सित (ग्रामं गच्छन् ) व्याघ्रं पश्यति, (b) औदासीन्येन प्राप्य or इतरत् or अनुभय e.g. (ग्रामं गच्छन्) वृक्षमूलानि उपसर्पति, (c) अनाख्यात or अकथित e.g. बलिं in बलिं याचते वसुधाम् (d) अन्यपूर्वक e.g अक्षान् दीव्यति, ग्राममभिनिविशते; cf. Padamañjarī on I.4 49, The com- mentator Abhayanandin on Jain- endra Vyākaraṇa mentions seven kinds प्राप्य, विषयभूत, निर्वर्त्य, विक्रियात्मक, ईप्सित, अनीप्सित and इतरत्, defining कर्म as कर्त्रा क्रियया यद् आप्यं तत् कारकं कर्म; cf. कर्त्राप्यम् Jain. Vy. I.2.120 and com. thereon. जेनेन्द्रमधीते is given therein as an instance of विषयभूत. (2) The word कर्मन् is also used in the sense of क्रिया or verbal activity; cf. उदेनूर्ध्वकर्मणि P.I.3.24; आदिकर्मणि क्तः कर्तरि च P.III.4.71, कर्तरि कर्मव्यतिहारे P.I.3.14. (3) It is also used in the sense of activity in general, as for instance,the sense of a word; e. g. नामाख्यातयोस्तु कर्मोपसंयोग- द्योतका भवन्ति Nir. I. 3.4, where Dur- gācārya explains karman as 'sense' ( अर्थ ).

कमेनामन् lit. noun showing action, participle. कर्मप्रवचनीय a technical term used in

connection with a preposition which showed a verbal activity formerly, although for the present time it does not show it; the word is used as a technical term in grammar in connection with prefixes or उपसर्गs which are not us- ed along.with a root, but without it cf. कर्म प्रोक्तवन्तः कर्मप्रवचनीयाः इति M.Bh. on P.I.4.83; e.g. शाकल्यस्य संहितामनु प्रावर्षत्, अन्वर्जुनं योद्धारः, अा कुमारं यशः पाणिनेः; cf. Kāś. on P.I.4.83 to 98.

कर्मवद्भाव the activity of the agent or kartā of an action represented as object or karman of that very ac- tion, for the sake of grammatical operations: e. g. भिद्यते काष्ठं स्वयमेव;. करिष्यते कटः स्वयमेव. To show facility of a verbal activity on the object, when the agent or kartā is dispen- sed with, and the object is looked upon as the agent, and used also as an agent, the verbal termina- tions ति, त; etc. are not applied in the sense of an agent, but they are applied in the sense of an ob- ject; consequently the sign of the voice is not अ (शप्), but य (यक्) and the verbal terminations are त, आताम् etc. (तङ्) instead of ति, तस् etc. In popular language the use of an expression of this type is called Karmakartari-Prayoga. For details see M. Bh. on कर्मवत्कर्मणा तुल्यक्रियः P.III.1.87. Only such roots as are कर्मस्थक्रियक or कर्मस्थभावक i.e. roots whose verbal activity is noticed in the object and not in the subject can have this Kar- makartari-Prayoga.

कर्मव्यतिहार exchange of verbal acti- vity; reciprocity of action; कर्मव्यति- हार means क्रियाव्यतिहार or क्रियाविनिमय; cf. कर्तरि कर्मव्यतिहारे P.I.3.14.; also कर्मव्यतिहारे णच् स्त्रियाम् । व्यावक्रोशी, व्यात्युक्षी Kāś. on P.III.3.43.