पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

given up by cach word, it is not completely given up: cf जहदप्यसेो स्वार्थ नात्यन्ताय जहाति; M. Bh. on P. II. 1.1. Vart. 2. For detailed explanation see Mahabhasya on P. II. I. I. Vart. 2.

जहद्धर्मत्व abandonment or giving up of properties in the case of a word included in a वृत्ति or compo- site expression; cf. जहद्धर्मत्वाच्छब्दप्रवृत्तेः Durghata Vrtti on P. II. 2.6.

जाग्रहितेतिवाद a short disguisition on the correctness of the word जाग्रहीता, written by a grammarian named Cakrin; cf. भट्टोजिदीक्षितग्राहग्रस्तं माधव- दिग्गजम्। अमूमुचत् सत्यवर्यश्चक्री चक्रिप्रसादभाक्, colophon.

जात born or produced there or then; one of the senses in which the tad. affixes, called जातार्थक, are prescribed by Panini in the sutra तत्र जातः and the following; cf. P. IV. 3.25-37.

जातबहिरङ्गासिद्धत्व invalidity of a Ba- hiranga operation that has al- ready taken place by virtue of the Antaranga-paribhasa-असिद्धं बहिरङ्गमन्तरङ्ङ्गे- that which is ' bahi- ranga' is regarded as not having taken effect when that which is 'antarahga' is to take effect. For details see Par. Sek. Paribhasa 50.

जाताभीयासिद्धत्व invalidity of a gra- mmatical operation prescribed by a rule in the अाभीय section (P. VI. 4.22 upto the end of the fourth pada ) which, although it has taken place, is to be looked upon as not having taken place when any other operation in the same section is to take effect. See आभीयासिद्व.

जाति genus; class;universal;the notion of generality which is present in the several individual objects of the same kind. The biggest or widest notion of the universal or genus is

सत्ता which, according to the gra- mmarians, exists in every object or substance, and hence, it is the denotation or denoted sense of every substantive or Pratipadika, although on many an occasion vyakti or an individual object is required for daily affairs and is actually referred to in ordinary talks. In the Mahabhasya a learned discussion is held regard- ing whether जाति is the denotation or व्यक्ति is the denotation. The word जाति is defined in the Maha- bhasya as follows:- आकृतिग्रहणा जातिर्लिङ्गानां च न सर्वभाक् । सकृदाख्यातनि- र्गाह्या गोत्रं च चरणैः सह ॥ अपर आह । ग्रादुभीवविनाशाभ्यां सत्त्वस्य युगपद्गुणैः । असर्व- लिङ्गां बह्वर्थो तां जातिं कवयो विदुः M. Bh. on IV. 1.63. For details see Bhartphari's Vakyapadiya.

जातिपक्ष the view that जाति, or genus only, is the denotation of every word. The view was first advo- cated by Vajapyayana which was later on held by many, the Mima- msakas being the chief supporters of the view. See Mahabhasya on P. I. 2.64. See Par. Sek. Pari. 40.

जातिपदार्थवाद see जातिपक्ष.

जातिस्वर the acute accent for the last vowel of a word ending with क्त of the p.p.p. denoting a genus; cf. P. VI. 2.170.

जातीयर् tad. affix जातीय in the sense of प्रकार or variety; e. g. पटुजातीयः, मृदुजातीयः; cf Kas. on P. V. 3.69. Originally जातीय was possibly an independent word, but as its use, especially as a noun, was found restricted, it came to be looked upon as an affix on the analogy of the affixes कल्प, देश्य, देशीय and others.

जात्य name of a variety of the Sva-