पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

ञि a mute syllable prefixed to a root in the Dhatuptha of Panini' signifying the addition of the affix त (क्त) to the root, in the sense of the present time; e.g. क्ष्विण्णः, धृष्ट: etc.; cf. Kas. on P. III. 2.187.

ञिठ tad. affix इक added to words headed by काशी as also to words meaning a village in the Vahika country optionally with the affix ठञ् in the Saisika senses;e.g. काशिका, काशिकी, बैदिका, बेदिकी, शाकलिकां, शाक- लिकी. The affixes ठञ् and ञिठ are added to the word काल preceded by आपद् as also by some other words; e. g. आपत्कालिका, अापत्कालिकी तात्कालिका, तात्कालिकी etc.; cf. P. IV.2. 116,117,118 and Varttika on IV. 2.116.

ञित् (1) an afix marked with the mute letter ञ्; causing the substi- tution of vrddhi for the preceding vowel and acute accent for the first vowel of the word to which it is added, but, causing vrddhi for the first vowel of the word to which it is added in case the affix is a tad. affix: cf. P.VII.2, 115, 116, 117; (2) a root marked with the conso- nant ञ् , taking verb-endings of both the Parasmaipada and the Atmanepada kinds; e.g. करोति, कुरुते, बिभर्ति, बिभृते, क्रीणाति, क्रीणीते elc.; cf. स्वरितञितः कत्राभिप्राये, क्रियाफले P.I.3.72.

ञीत् a root marked with the mute syllable ञि prefixed to it, signifying the addition of the affix क्त in the present tense. See ञि.

ञ्य taddhita affix य signifying the substitution of vrddhi as also the acute accent for the first vowel of the word to which it is added. It is added (1) to words headed by प्रगदिन् in the four senses termed वंतुरर्थ e.g.प्रागृद्यम्, शारद्यम् etc.;cf.P.IV. 2.80; (2).to 20

the word गम्भीर and अव्ययीभाव com- pounds in the sense of present there', e.g. गाम्भीर्यम् , पारिमुख्यम् etc. cf. P.IV.3.58, 59 (3) to the word विदूर e.g. वैदुर्य; cf. P. IV.3.84;.(4) to the words headed by शण्डिक in the sense of 'domicile of', e.g. शाण्डिक्यः ; cf. P. IV.3.92; (5) to the words छन्दोग, औक्थिक, नट etc. in the sense of duty (धर्म) or scripture (अाम्नाय) e. g. छान्दोग्यम् , औविथक्यम् नाट्यम् etc.; cf. P. IV. 3.129; (6) to the word गृहपति in the sense of ’associated with'; e.g. गार्हपत्यः (अग्निः);cf.P.IV.4.90;(7) to the words ऋषभ and उपानह् ; cf. P. V.1.14; .(8) to the words अनन्त, आवसथ etc.,cf. P. V.4.23; (9) to the word अतिथि; cf. P.V.4.26; and (10) to the words in the sense of पूग(wandering tribes for earning money), as also to the words meaning व्रात (kinds of tribes) as also to words ending with the affix च्फञ् under certain conditions; cf. P.V.3. 112, 113.

ञ्यङ् tad. affix in the sense of 'a des- cendant' added to words beginn- ing with अा, ऐ, ओ or ending with इ, as also to the words कौसल and अजाद् provided they mean a coun- try and a Ksatriya too; e.g. सौवीर्यः, आवन्त्यः, कौन्त्यः कौसल्यः, अाजाद्यः; cf. P. IV.1.171.

ञ्यट् tad. affix य .causing वृद्धि to the first vowel of the word to which it is added and the addition of ई ( ङीप् ) in the sense of feminine gender, added to words meaning warrior tribes of the Vahika coun- try but not Brahmanas or Ksatri- yas. e.g. क्षौद्रक्यः, क्षौद्रक्री etc.; cf P. V. 3. 114.

ञ्युट् krt affix added to the root वह् in Vedic Literature preceded by the words कव्य, पुरीष, पुरीष्य or हव्य, e.g. कव्यवाहनः, पुरीषवाहनः, हव्यवाहनः cf. P. III,2.65, 66.. .