पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

पूर्वाणि व्याकरणानि अद्यतनादिकालपरिभाषायुक्तानि तद्रहितम् ।

अकालापक different from the Kālāpa or the revised Kātantra Grammar cf. पाणिन्युपज्ञमकालापकं व्याकरणम् kāś. On P.II.4.21.

अकित् not marked by the mute letter k ( क् ) and hence not disallowing guṇa or vṛddhi substitutes for the preceding vowel, cf. सृजिदृशोर्झल्यमकिति P.VI.1.58; दीर्घोऽकित: P. VII. 4.83.

अकृत् lit. non-krt: an affix applied to a root, but different from the conjugational affixes. cf. अकृत्सार्वधातुक्रयोर्दीर्ध: P. VII. 4.25.

अकृत not established; said of a grammatical operation which has not taken place e. g. अकृतसंधिकार्यम् M. Bh. on V. 2.100, W. 3.84, also कृताकृतप्रसङ्गि नित्यम् M. Bh. on VI.4.62.

अकृतकारि doing or accomplishing what is not done or accomplished; the expression is used in connection with grammatical operations like ह्रस्वकरण or दीर्घकरण only in cases where it is necessary i, e. where already there is no hrasva or drgha cf. अकृतकारि खल्वपि शास्त्रमग्निवत् । तद्यथा । अग्निर्यददग्धं तद्दहति । M. Bh. on VI. 1.127. the rules of Grammar, like fire, are applied to places where they produce a change.

अकृतव्यूह short expression for the grammatical maxim अकृतव्यूहाः पाणिनीयाः which means "the followers of Pāṇini do not insist on the taking effect of a rule when its cause or causes disappear." See Par. śek. Par. 56.

अकृतसंधि word or expression without the necessary euphonic changes cf वरुणादीनां च तृतीयात् स च अकृतंसंधीनाम् P. V.3.84 vārt. 1.

अकृतसंहित words ending with a breathing or visarga which are not looked upon as placed immediately before the next word and hence which have no combination with the following vowel e. g. एष देवो अमर्त्यः R. V. 1X.8.1.

अकृत्रिम non-technical: not formed or not arrived at by grammatical operations such as the application of affixes to crude bases and so on; natural; assigned only by accident. cf the gram. maxim कृत्रिमाकृतिमयोः कृत्रिमे कार्यसंप्रत्ययः which means "in cases of doubt whether an operation refers to that expressed by the technical sense or to that which is expressed by the ordinary sense of a term, the operation refers to what is expressed by the technical sense." Par. śek. Par.9 also M. Bh. on I.1.28.

अकृत्स्न-अकृत्स्ना, an epithet applied to the pronunciation of Veda words improperly which does not serve any useful purpose. cf. अकृत्स्ना अप्रयोजना इत्यर्थ: Uvaṭa on R. Pr. XIV. 68.

अङ्कित not possessing the mute letter k (क्) or g (ग्) or ( ङ् ) and hence not preventing the guṇa and vṛddhi substitutes for the preceding vowel, if they occur. e. g. मृजेर ङ्कित्सु प्रत्ययेषु मृजिप्रसङगे मार्जिः साधुर्भुवति M.Bh. on P. I.I.I Vart.10.

अक्त definite, known or specified definitely. cf. अक्तपरिमाणानामर्थानां वाचका भवन्ति य एते संख्याशब्दाः परिमाणशब्दाश्च M. Bh. I.1.72.

अक्रियाज not a result of a verbal activity; the expression is used in connection with qualities ( on a substance) as opposed to the activities found in it. cf. अाधेयश्चाक्रियाजश्च सोs सत्त्वप्रकृतिर्गुणः M. Bh. on IV. 1.44.