पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

देविकापाद a popular name given to the third pada of the seventh adhyaya of Parinis Asadhyāyi as the pada begins with the Sutra दविकाशिंशपादित्यवाट्दीर्घसत्त्रश्रेयसामात् P.VII 3. 1.

देवीदीन a modern grammarian of the 19th century who has written a gloss on the Asādhyāyi of Panini.

देवेन्द्र a Jain grammarian of the 13th century who has written a com- mentary named लघुन्यास on the शब्दानुशासन of Hemacandra. He has written many works on the Jain Agamas, of which a commen- tary on the Uttaradhyanasutra can be specially mentioned. He is called देवेन्द्रसूरि also.

देश lit. place; (l) original place of articulation: cf. अदेशे वा वचनं व्यञ्ज- नस्य, R. Pr. XIV. 5; (2) place of origin; उच्चारणस्थान: (3) place of inferential establishment of a Paribhasa etc. परिभाषादेशः उद्देशः Par. Sek. pari. 2,3; (4) passage of the Samhita text, cf..T. Pr. I. 59.

देशीयर् tad. affix देशीय in the sense of slightly less, or almost similar, optionally prescribed with the affixes कल्प and देश्य e. g. मृदुकल्पः, मृदुदेश्यः. मृदुदशीयः cf.Kas, on P.V.3.67.

देश्य (l) tad. affix in the sense of almost similar; see देशीयर् above; (2) (words) current in popular use or language, although not sanction- ed by rules of grammar; cf. देश्याः सूत्रनिबन्धाः क्रियन्ते M.Bh. on P. V. 3.55: cf. देश्या देष्टव्याः साधुत्वेन प्रतिपाद्या:, Kaiyata on V. 3.55; probably Kaiyata had a difficulty in ex- plaining the word देश्य in the old way meaning ' current in use', as many words called bad words, introduced from other languages were current at his time which he was reluctant to term देश्य.

दैव name of a system of grammar or a work on grammar the peculi- arity of which is the omission of the एकशेष topic; cf. अनेकशेषं दैवं स्यात्

दैवादिक a root belonging to the fourth conjugation of roots.( दिवा- दिगण ); cf.जसु ताडेन इति चुरादौ पठ्यते तस्येदं ग्रहणं, न देवादिकस्य, Kas. on P. II 3.56.

देवेन्द्र name given to a work on grammar, presumably the same as जैनेद्र-शब्दानुशासन written by पूज्यपाद- देवनन्दिन्. See जेनेन्द्रव्याकरण.

दोष (1) a fault of pronunciation; cf एताः स्वरदोषभावनाः अतोन्ये व्यञ्जनदोषाः M.Bh. on I. 1.1 Vart.18 (2) defect shown in connection with an ex- pression or explanation.

दोषोद्धरण name of a commentary on Nagesa's Paribhisendusekhara wri- tten by मन्नुदेव of the eighteenth century.

दोषोद्धार name of a commentary on Nagesa's Laghusabdendusekhara written by मन्नुदेव of the eighteenth century.

द्य tad. affix द्य, applied to इदम् in the sense of ' a day ', when इदम् is changed into अ ( अश् ) ; e. g- अद्य, cf. P.V. 3.22 Vart. 5.

द्यस् tad. affix द्यस्, applied to the word समान when समान is changed into स; e.g. सद्यः, cf. सद्यः परुत्परार्यैषमः P. V.3.22: cf. also समानस्य सभावो द्यश्चाहनि P. V. 3.22, Vart. 1

घुa technical term in the Jainendra Vyakarana for the term उत्तरपद (the latter or the second member of-a compound word ) which is used in Panini's grammar.

द्युतादि a class of roots headed by the root द्युत् , the aorist sign च्लि after which gets ( अ ) अङ् substi- tuted for it: e.g. अद्युतत् , अश्वितत्; cf. Kas. on P. III.1.55. and I.3.91.